DICOM Metadata Specifics

This document provides details as to how DICOM metadata (attributes) from the image file and the template file are combined to create a new DICOM file. An image / template pair must be provided for each file in the series to be created. More specifically:

Overview of attribute use:


Miscellaneous Attributes
Date and Time
Set by User
Copied from Image
Copied from template

Miscellaneous Attributes

The following attributes are set up with special processing.

Hex Tag Attribute Name Value Setup
3002,0012 RTImagePosition Calculated from values in the image 3002,0011 :ImagePlanePixelSpacing 0028,0010 :Rows and 0028,0011 :Columns
300c,0002 ReferencedRTPlanSequence Constructed using specified plan
0008,0080 InstitutionName Copied from image files not available for dev files

Unique IDs

List of UIDs that are set up.

Hex Tag Attribute Name Value Setup
0002,0003 MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID Set to new unique ID
0008,0018 SOPInstanceUID Set to same as MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID
0020,000d StudyInstanceUID Copied from template file
0020,000e SeriesInstanceUID Set to new unique ID Same for each image in series
0020,0052 FrameOfReferenceUID Set to new unique ID Different for each image

Dates and Times

Set up of dates and times. Note that in dev files, the only date/time value that are present are the ContentDate and ContentTime values.

Hex Tag Attribute Name Value Setup
0008,0020 StudyDate Set to StudyDate of earliest production (non dev) image
0008,0030 StudyTime Set to StudyTime of earliest production (non dev) image
0008,0021 SeriesDate ContentDate of first image beam
0008,0031 SeriesTime ContentTime of first image beam
0008,0022 AcquisitionDate Set to image ContentDate
0008,0032 AcquisitionTime Set to image ContentTime
0008,0012 InstanceCreationDate set to same as ContentDate
0008,0013 InstanceCreationTime set to same as ContentTime

Values Set By User

These values are directly or indirectly controlled by the user via the web interface.

Hex Tag Attribute Name Value Setup
0008,1010 StationName Set to same as RadiationMachineName
0010,0010 PatientName Set by user Defaults to value found in uploaded RTIMAGE files If not defined there defaults to value in plan
0010,0020 PatientID Set by user Defaults to value found in uploaded RTIMAGE files If not defined there defaults to value in plan
0018,1000 DeviceSerialNumber Set by user when choosing machine
3002,0020 RadiationMachineName Set by user when choosing machine

Values Copied from Image

The following DICOM attributes are copied from the source image file to the new file.

Hex Tag Attribute Name
Hex Tag Name
0008,0023 ContentDate
0008,0033 ContentTime
0020,4000 ImageComments
0028,0002 SamplesPerPixel
0028,0004 PhotometricInterpretation
0028,0010 Rows
0028,0011 Columns
0028,0100 BitsAllocated
0028,0101 BitsStored
0028,0102 HighBit
0028,0103 PixelRepresentation
0028,1050 WindowCenter
0028,1051 WindowWidth
0028,1052 RescaleIntercept
0028,1053 RescaleSlope
0028,1054 RescaleType
3002,0002 RTImageLabel
3002,0003 RTImageName
3002,0004 RTImageDescription
3002,000a ReportedValuesOrigin
3002,000c RTImagePlane
3002,000d XRayImageReceptorTranslation
3002,000e XRayImageReceptorAngle
3002,0011 ImagePlanePixelSpacing
3002,0022 RadiationMachineSAD
3002,0026 RTImageSID
7fe0,0010 PixelData

Values from Template

The following DICOM attributes are copied from the template DICOM (the one delivered in production mode).

Hex Tag Attribute Name
3002,0029 FractionNumber
0008,1160 ReferencedFrameNumber
0018,0060 KVP
3002,0032 MetersetExposure
300A,00B6 BeamLimitingDeviceSequence
300A,00B8 RTBeamLimitingDeviceType
300A,00BC NumberOfLeafJawPairs
300A,011C LeafJawPositions
300A,00B8 RTBeamLimitingDeviceType
300A,00BC NumberOfLeafJawPairs
300A,011C LeafJawPositions
300A,00F0 NumberOfBlocks
300A,011E GantryAngle
300A,0120 BeamLimitingDeviceAngle
300A,0122 PatientSupportAngle
300A,0128 TableTopVerticalPosition
300A,0129 TableTopLongitudinalPosition
300A,012A TableTopLateralPosition
300A,00B3 PrimaryDosimeterUnit
300A,011E GantryAngle
300A,0120 BeamLimitingDeviceAngle
300A,0122 PatientSupportAngle
300A,0128 TableTopVerticalPosition
300A,0129 TableTopLongitudinalPosition
300A,012A TableTopLateralPosition
300A,012C IsocenterPosition
300C,0006 ReferencedBeamNumber
300C,0022 ReferencedFractionGroupNumber
3273,0010 VarianCreator3273
3273,1000 RTImageIsocenterPosition
3273,1001 RTImagePatientPosition