Definitions for Focal Spot CSV columns.

Column Column Title Description
A Institution Anonymous version of institution name.
B Machine Anonymous version of machine ID.
C Acquisition Date and time that the first image in the data set was captured (delivery time).
D Analysis Date and time that data was analyzed.
E Procedure Procedure (test) used to process data
F X Alignment Alignment in X axis in mm
G Y Alignment Alignment in Y axis in mm
H KVP Beam Energy in KV
I FFF True if this the beams are Flattening Filter Free
J Jaw 90 Gantry Angle Gantry angle in degrees rounded to nearest 90 degrees
K Jaw 90 Col Angle Collimator angle in degrees rounded to nearest 90 degrees
L Jaw 90 Beam Name Name of beam in plan.
M Jaw 90 Type Limiter type: Either Jaw or MLC.
N Jaw 90 Fluence Either FFF or Standard.
O Jaw 90 X center Center of edges X axis in mm.
P Jaw 90 Y center Center of edges Y axis in mm.
Q Jaw 90 Top Error Measured top edge - planned top edge in mm
R Jaw 90 Bottom Error Measured bottom edge - planned bottom edge in mm
S Jaw 90 Left Error Measured left edge - planned left edge in mm
T Jaw 90 Right Error Measured right edge - planned right edge in mm
U Jaw 90 Top Measured top edge mm
V Jaw 90 Bottom Measured bottom edge in mm
W Jaw 90 Left Measured left edge in mm
X Jaw 90 Right Measured right edge in mm
Y Jaw 90 Top Planned Planned top edge mm
Z Jaw 90 Bottom Planned Planned bottom edge in mm
AA Jaw 90 Left Planned Planned left edge in mm
AB Jaw 90 Right Planned Planned right edge in mm
AC Jaw 270 Gantry Angle Gantry angle in degrees rounded to nearest 90 degrees
AD Jaw 270 Col Angle Collimator angle in degrees rounded to nearest 90 degrees
AE Jaw 270 Beam Name Name of beam in plan.
AF Jaw 270 Type Limiter type: Either Jaw or MLC.
AG Jaw 270 Fluence Either FFF or Standard.
AH Jaw 270 X center Center of edges X axis in mm.
AI Jaw 270 Y center Center of edges Y axis in mm.
AJ Jaw 270 Top Error Measured top edge - planned top edge in mm
AK Jaw 270 Bottom Error Measured bottom edge - planned bottom edge in mm
AL Jaw 270 Left Error Measured left edge - planned left edge in mm
AM Jaw 270 Right Error Measured right edge - planned right edge in mm
AN Jaw 270 Top Measured top edge mm
AO Jaw 270 Bottom Measured bottom edge in mm
AP Jaw 270 Left Measured left edge in mm
AQ Jaw 270 Right Measured right edge in mm
AR Jaw 270 Top Planned Planned top edge mm
AS Jaw 270 Bottom Planned Planned bottom edge in mm
AT Jaw 270 Left Planned Planned left edge in mm
AU Jaw 270 Right Planned Planned right edge in mm
AV MLC 90 Gantry Angle Gantry angle in degrees rounded to nearest 90 degrees
AW MLC 90 Col Angle Collimator angle in degrees rounded to nearest 90 degrees
AX MLC 90 Beam Name Name of beam in plan.
AY MLC 90 Type Limiter type: Either Jaw or MLC.
AZ MLC 90 Fluence Either FFF or Standard.
BA MLC 90 X center Center of edges X axis in mm.
BB MLC 90 Y center Center of edges Y axis in mm.
BC MLC 90 Top Error Measured top edge - planned top edge in mm
BD MLC 90 Bottom Error Measured bottom edge - planned bottom edge in mm
BE MLC 90 Left Error Measured left edge - planned left edge in mm
BF MLC 90 Right Error Measured right edge - planned right edge in mm
BG MLC 90 Top Measured top edge mm
BH MLC 90 Bottom Measured bottom edge in mm
BI MLC 90 Left Measured left edge in mm
BJ MLC 90 Right Measured right edge in mm
BK MLC 90 Top Planned Planned top edge mm
BL MLC 90 Bottom Planned Planned bottom edge in mm
BM MLC 90 Left Planned Planned left edge in mm
BN MLC 90 Right Planned Planned right edge in mm
BO MLC 270 Gantry Angle Gantry angle in degrees rounded to nearest 90 degrees
BP MLC 270 Col Angle Collimator angle in degrees rounded to nearest 90 degrees
BQ MLC 270 Beam Name Name of beam in plan.
BR MLC 270 Type Limiter type: Either Jaw or MLC.
BS MLC 270 Fluence Either FFF or Standard.
BT MLC 270 X center Center of edges X axis in mm.
BU MLC 270 Y center Center of edges Y axis in mm.
BV MLC 270 Top Error Measured top edge - planned top edge in mm
BW MLC 270 Bottom Error Measured bottom edge - planned bottom edge in mm
BX MLC 270 Left Error Measured left edge - planned left edge in mm
BY MLC 270 Right Error Measured right edge - planned right edge in mm
BZ MLC 270 Top Measured top edge mm
CA MLC 270 Bottom Measured bottom edge in mm
CB MLC 270 Left Measured left edge in mm
CC MLC 270 Right Measured right edge in mm
CD MLC 270 Top Planned Planned top edge mm
CE MLC 270 Bottom Planned Planned bottom edge in mm
CF MLC 270 Left Planned Planned left edge in mm
CG MLC 270 Right Planned Planned right edge in mm
CH Machine Type Type of machine
CI Collimator Type of collimator
CK URL Link to main report.
CL outputPK Internal database reference to synthetic public key of output.
CM inputPK Internal database reference to synthetic public key of input.
CN Uploaded By Anonymized version of user ID.
CO Jaw 90 Pixel Rows Jaw 90 Number of rows in the images. DICOM 0028,0010
CP Jaw 90 Pixel Columns Jaw 90 Number of columns in the images. DICOM 0028,0011
CQ Jaw 90 Pixel size X Jaw 90 Image Plane Pixel Spacing. DICOM 3002,0011
CR Jaw 90 Pixel size Y Jaw 90 Image Plane Pixel Spacing. DICOM 3002,0011
CS Jaw 90 b value for converting pixel values to CU: CU = m*PixelValue + b Jaw 90 Rescale Intercept. DICOM 0028,1052
CT Jaw 90 m value for converting pixel values to CU: CU = m*PixelValue + b Jaw 90 Rescale Slope. DICOM 0028,1053
CU Jaw 90 KVP Jaw 90 Peak kilo voltage output of the X-Ray generator used. DICOM 0018,0060
CV Jaw 90 Exposure Time msec Jaw 90 Exposure time in mseync. DICOM 0016,0004
CW Jaw 90 Meterset Exposure Jaw 90 Treatment machine Meterset duration over which image has been acquired, specified in Monitor units (MU) or minutes as defined by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3). Required if Value 3 of Image Type (0008,0008) is PORTAL DICOM 3002,0032
CX Jaw 90 Start Cumulative Meterset Wt Jaw 90 Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006) at which image acquisition starts. DICOM 300C,0008
CY Jaw 90 X-Ray Origin X Jaw 90 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
CZ Jaw 90 X-Ray Origin Y Jaw 90 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
DA Jaw 90 X-Ray Origin Z Jaw 90 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
DB Jaw 90 Source to Image Jaw 90 Distance from radiation machine source to image plane (in mm) along radiation beam axis. DICOM 3002,0026
DC Jaw 90 Source to Isocenter Jaw 90 Radiation source to Gantry rotation axis distance of radiation machine used in acquiring or computing image (mm). DICOM 3002,0022
DD Jaw 90 Gantry Angle Jaw 90 Treatment machine gantry angle, i.e., orientation of IEC GANTRY coordinate system with respect to IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system (degrees). DICOM 300A,011E
DE Jaw 90 Collimator Angle Jaw 90 Treatment machine beam limiting device (collimator) angle, i.e., orientation of IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system with respect to IEC GANTRY coordinate system (degrees). DICOM 300A,0120
DF Jaw 90 End Cumulative Meterset Wt Jaw 90 Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006) at which image acquisition ends. DICOM 300C,0009
DG Jaw 90 Beam Number Jaw 90 Uniquely identifies the corresponding N-segment treatment beam specified by Beam Number (300A,00C0) within Beam Sequence (300A,00B0) in RT Beams Module within the RT Plan referenced in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002) or the Ion Beam Sequence (300A,03A2) in the RT Ion Beams Module within the RT Ion Plan referenced in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002). DICOM 300C,0006
DH Jaw 90 Operator Jaw 90 Anonymized name(s) of the operator(s) supporting the Series. DICOM 0008,1070
DI Jaw 90 Software Version Jaw 90 Manufacturer's designation of software version of the equipment that produced the sources. DICOM 0018,1020
DJ Jaw 90 SOPInstanceUID Jaw 90 Uniquely identifies the SOP Instance. DICOM 0008,0018
DK Jaw 90 SeriesInstanceUID Jaw 90 Unique identifier for the Series that is part of the Study identified in Study Instance UID (0020,000D), if present, and contains the referenced object instance(s). DICOM 0020,000E
DL Jaw 90 PatientID Jaw 90 Primary identifier for the Patient. DICOM 0010,0020
DM Jaw 90 PatientName Jaw 90 Patient's full name DICOM 0010,0010
DN Jaw 270 Pixel Rows Jaw 270 Number of rows in the images. DICOM 0028,0010
DO Jaw 270 Pixel Columns Jaw 270 Number of columns in the images. DICOM 0028,0011
DP Jaw 270 Pixel size X Jaw 270 Image Plane Pixel Spacing. DICOM 3002,0011
DQ Jaw 270 Pixel size Y Jaw 270 Image Plane Pixel Spacing. DICOM 3002,0011
DR Jaw 270 b value for converting pixel values to CU: CU = m*PixelValue + b Jaw 270 Rescale Intercept. DICOM 0028,1052
DS Jaw 270 m value for converting pixel values to CU: CU = m*PixelValue + b Jaw 270 Rescale Slope. DICOM 0028,1053
DT Jaw 270 KVP Jaw 270 Peak kilo voltage output of the X-Ray generator used. DICOM 0018,0060
DU Jaw 270 Exposure Time msec Jaw 270 Exposure time in mseync. DICOM 0016,0004
DV Jaw 270 Meterset Exposure Jaw 270 Treatment machine Meterset duration over which image has been acquired, specified in Monitor units (MU) or minutes as defined by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3). Required if Value 3 of Image Type (0008,0008) is PORTAL DICOM 3002,0032
DW Jaw 270 Start Cumulative Meterset Wt Jaw 270 Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006) at which image acquisition starts. DICOM 300C,0008
DX Jaw 270 X-Ray Origin X Jaw 270 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
DY Jaw 270 X-Ray Origin Y Jaw 270 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
DZ Jaw 270 X-Ray Origin Z Jaw 270 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
EA Jaw 270 Source to Image Jaw 270 Distance from radiation machine source to image plane (in mm) along radiation beam axis. DICOM 3002,0026
EB Jaw 270 Source to Isocenter Jaw 270 Radiation source to Gantry rotation axis distance of radiation machine used in acquiring or computing image (mm). DICOM 3002,0022
EC Jaw 270 Gantry Angle Jaw 270 Treatment machine gantry angle, i.e., orientation of IEC GANTRY coordinate system with respect to IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system (degrees). DICOM 300A,011E
ED Jaw 270 Collimator Angle Jaw 270 Treatment machine beam limiting device (collimator) angle, i.e., orientation of IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system with respect to IEC GANTRY coordinate system (degrees). DICOM 300A,0120
EE Jaw 270 End Cumulative Meterset Wt Jaw 270 Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006) at which image acquisition ends. DICOM 300C,0009
EF Jaw 270 Beam Number Jaw 270 Uniquely identifies the corresponding N-segment treatment beam specified by Beam Number (300A,00C0) within Beam Sequence (300A,00B0) in RT Beams Module within the RT Plan referenced in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002) or the Ion Beam Sequence (300A,03A2) in the RT Ion Beams Module within the RT Ion Plan referenced in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002). DICOM 300C,0006
EG Jaw 270 Operator Jaw 270 Anonymized name(s) of the operator(s) supporting the Series. DICOM 0008,1070
EH Jaw 270 Software Version Jaw 270 Manufacturer's designation of software version of the equipment that produced the sources. DICOM 0018,1020
EI Jaw 270 SOPInstanceUID Jaw 270 Uniquely identifies the SOP Instance. DICOM 0008,0018
EJ Jaw 270 SeriesInstanceUID Jaw 270 Unique identifier for the Series that is part of the Study identified in Study Instance UID (0020,000D), if present, and contains the referenced object instance(s). DICOM 0020,000E
EK Jaw 270 PatientID Jaw 270 Primary identifier for the Patient. DICOM 0010,0020
EL Jaw 270 PatientName Jaw 270 Patient's full name DICOM 0010,0010
EM MLC 90 Pixel Rows MLC 90 Number of rows in the images. DICOM 0028,0010
EN MLC 90 Pixel Columns MLC 90 Number of columns in the images. DICOM 0028,0011
EO MLC 90 Pixel size X MLC 90 Image Plane Pixel Spacing. DICOM 3002,0011
EP MLC 90 Pixel size Y MLC 90 Image Plane Pixel Spacing. DICOM 3002,0011
EQ MLC 90 b value for converting pixel values to CU: CU = m*PixelValue + b MLC 90 Rescale Intercept. DICOM 0028,1052
ER MLC 90 m value for converting pixel values to CU: CU = m*PixelValue + b MLC 90 Rescale Slope. DICOM 0028,1053
ES MLC 90 KVP MLC 90 Peak kilo voltage output of the X-Ray generator used. DICOM 0018,0060
ET MLC 90 Exposure Time msec MLC 90 Exposure time in mseync. DICOM 0016,0004
EU MLC 90 Meterset Exposure MLC 90 Treatment machine Meterset duration over which image has been acquired, specified in Monitor units (MU) or minutes as defined by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3). Required if Value 3 of Image Type (0008,0008) is PORTAL DICOM 3002,0032
EV MLC 90 Start Cumulative Meterset Wt MLC 90 Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006) at which image acquisition starts. DICOM 300C,0008
EW MLC 90 X-Ray Origin X MLC 90 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
EX MLC 90 X-Ray Origin Y MLC 90 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
EY MLC 90 X-Ray Origin Z MLC 90 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
EZ MLC 90 Source to Image MLC 90 Distance from radiation machine source to image plane (in mm) along radiation beam axis. DICOM 3002,0026
FA MLC 90 Source to Isocenter MLC 90 Radiation source to Gantry rotation axis distance of radiation machine used in acquiring or computing image (mm). DICOM 3002,0022
FB MLC 90 Gantry Angle MLC 90 Treatment machine gantry angle, i.e., orientation of IEC GANTRY coordinate system with respect to IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system (degrees). DICOM 300A,011E
FC MLC 90 Collimator Angle MLC 90 Treatment machine beam limiting device (collimator) angle, i.e., orientation of IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system with respect to IEC GANTRY coordinate system (degrees). DICOM 300A,0120
FD MLC 90 End Cumulative Meterset Wt MLC 90 Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006) at which image acquisition ends. DICOM 300C,0009
FE MLC 90 Beam Number MLC 90 Uniquely identifies the corresponding N-segment treatment beam specified by Beam Number (300A,00C0) within Beam Sequence (300A,00B0) in RT Beams Module within the RT Plan referenced in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002) or the Ion Beam Sequence (300A,03A2) in the RT Ion Beams Module within the RT Ion Plan referenced in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002). DICOM 300C,0006
FF MLC 90 Operator MLC 90 Anonymized name(s) of the operator(s) supporting the Series. DICOM 0008,1070
FG MLC 90 Software Version MLC 90 Manufacturer's designation of software version of the equipment that produced the sources. DICOM 0018,1020
FH MLC 90 SOPInstanceUID MLC 90 Uniquely identifies the SOP Instance. DICOM 0008,0018
FI MLC 90 SeriesInstanceUID MLC 90 Unique identifier for the Series that is part of the Study identified in Study Instance UID (0020,000D), if present, and contains the referenced object instance(s). DICOM 0020,000E
FJ MLC 90 PatientID MLC 90 Primary identifier for the Patient. DICOM 0010,0020
FK MLC 90 PatientName MLC 90 Patient's full name DICOM 0010,0010
FL MLC 270 Pixel Rows MLC 270 Number of rows in the images. DICOM 0028,0010
FM MLC 270 Pixel Columns MLC 270 Number of columns in the images. DICOM 0028,0011
FN MLC 270 Pixel size X MLC 270 Image Plane Pixel Spacing. DICOM 3002,0011
FO MLC 270 Pixel size Y MLC 270 Image Plane Pixel Spacing. DICOM 3002,0011
FP MLC 270 b value for converting pixel values to CU: CU = m*PixelValue + b MLC 270 Rescale Intercept. DICOM 0028,1052
FQ MLC 270 m value for converting pixel values to CU: CU = m*PixelValue + b MLC 270 Rescale Slope. DICOM 0028,1053
FR MLC 270 KVP MLC 270 Peak kilo voltage output of the X-Ray generator used. DICOM 0018,0060
FS MLC 270 Exposure Time msec MLC 270 Exposure time in mseync. DICOM 0016,0004
FT MLC 270 Meterset Exposure MLC 270 Treatment machine Meterset duration over which image has been acquired, specified in Monitor units (MU) or minutes as defined by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3). Required if Value 3 of Image Type (0008,0008) is PORTAL DICOM 3002,0032
FU MLC 270 Start Cumulative Meterset Wt MLC 270 Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006) at which image acquisition starts. DICOM 300C,0008
FV MLC 270 X-Ray Origin X MLC 270 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
FW MLC 270 X-Ray Origin Y MLC 270 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
FX MLC 270 X-Ray Origin Z MLC 270 Position in (x,y,z) coordinates of origin of IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR System in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). See Note 2. DICOM 3002,000D
FY MLC 270 Source to Image MLC 270 Distance from radiation machine source to image plane (in mm) along radiation beam axis. DICOM 3002,0026
FZ MLC 270 Source to Isocenter MLC 270 Radiation source to Gantry rotation axis distance of radiation machine used in acquiring or computing image (mm). DICOM 3002,0022
GA MLC 270 Gantry Angle MLC 270 Treatment machine gantry angle, i.e., orientation of IEC GANTRY coordinate system with respect to IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system (degrees). DICOM 300A,011E
GB MLC 270 Collimator Angle MLC 270 Treatment machine beam limiting device (collimator) angle, i.e., orientation of IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system with respect to IEC GANTRY coordinate system (degrees). DICOM 300A,0120
GC MLC 270 End Cumulative Meterset Wt MLC 270 Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006) at which image acquisition ends. DICOM 300C,0009
GD MLC 270 Beam Number MLC 270 Uniquely identifies the corresponding N-segment treatment beam specified by Beam Number (300A,00C0) within Beam Sequence (300A,00B0) in RT Beams Module within the RT Plan referenced in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002) or the Ion Beam Sequence (300A,03A2) in the RT Ion Beams Module within the RT Ion Plan referenced in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002). DICOM 300C,0006
GE MLC 270 Operator MLC 270 Anonymized name(s) of the operator(s) supporting the Series. DICOM 0008,1070
GF MLC 270 Software Version MLC 270 Manufacturer's designation of software version of the equipment that produced the sources. DICOM 0018,1020
GG MLC 270 SOPInstanceUID MLC 270 Uniquely identifies the SOP Instance. DICOM 0008,0018
GH MLC 270 SeriesInstanceUID MLC 270 Unique identifier for the Series that is part of the Study identified in Study Instance UID (0020,000D), if present, and contains the referenced object instance(s). DICOM 0020,000E
GI MLC 270 PatientID MLC 270 Primary identifier for the Patient. DICOM 0010,0020
GJ MLC 270 PatientName MLC 270 Patient's full name DICOM 0010,0010
GK Note User defined note for this output.